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by Gurukul Yoga Holistic Center (GYHC) on January 02, 2011

New Year - New You...

Happy New Year! Another year is behind us and a new year has begun...Human mind needs some goals and challenges to function optimally. So it is time to take the New Year, New You challenge...

If you make a big list of things to change this year - it may not happen... but if you put 3-5 things on your list with realistic goals, you may be in for a pleasant surprise... So how about making a list of 3-5 habits that you would like to change in 2011?

e.g. 1) Move the Body and still the mind every day...This change is to be practiced every day for 2-3, 5 minutes/day so it becomes a habit.We want to take care of every joint, muscle, organ, gland...So if you sit too much, move around, if you move too much, make it co-ordinated movement with attention to your breath...The more you are aware of your breath and voluntarily control it, the easier it is to slow the mind down... That is how we heal... That is what Yoga does to you...

2) Quit Smoking... If you do not smoke - put on the list a BAD habit that is not just bad for you but for the environment, for the family, etc...

3) Laugh and smile every day! Laughter is the best medicine so use it for yourself and others and make your life happier...

4) Focus on Giving.... The more you give, the more you get... It is simply a matter of perspective and change becomes easier... a big burden comes of your shoulder when you are in the giving mode.... it becomes part of your DNA...

5) Eat right - listening to the body, listening to the weather...

Above list is an example of 5 things you can do to bring about some positive change physically, emotionally socialy and spiritually.

So happy new year and let the new year bring a new you with better habits helping you, your family, community and the planet improve the quality of life!

Thanks for reading...Let there be harmony, health and happiness always....

GYHC family...