Level -1 : WELCOME to GYHC - home of Classical Yoga as an authentic Therapy for all ages to enhance harmony, health and happiness!
Reiki (Pronounced Ray Kee) is an ancient energy healing therapy derived from the science of Yoga popularized in Japan. GYHC Co-founder Manju Joshi (Coach M) is a Reiki-Master and conducts Reiki Training for Level-1, Level-2 and Master-level Attunement with small groups and individuals from Teenagers to Seniors. She has attuned numerous individuals from all walks of life with Level-1 and Level-2. She is very selective with those who are truly ready for Master-level attunement.
It is the purity and intution of the Giver and Reciever of energy that makes Reiki a very powerful healing modality. Experience is enhanced as one becomes adept in Yoga Practice with Holistic Nutrition. So there is No REIKI without YOGA and there is no Yoga without Reiki!
Enjoy the authentic experience at GURUKUL! We can come to you, you can come to us.
Peace and healing,
Coach P & M